Sunday, January 16, 2011


EDGAR B. SPEER is reportedly due in Erie at 0600 tomorrow; this will likely be later as it is doubtful that the ship's crew will want to deal with the ice in the dark. This is the same scenario that prevented the ship from entering Conneaut last night and arriving in Erie today.

PRESQUE ISLE, meanwhile, is currently expected in Erie at 0900 on Wednesday.

CASON J. CALLAWAY is unloading at Ecorse, Michigan at this time and is next scheduled to Sandusky and Ashtabula to load a coal cargo for Ecorse before laying up in Erie, likely on the 19th or 20th.

Turn to Erie Shipping News for the most accurate, up-to-the-minute updates on the positions of the SPEER, PRESQUE ISLE and CALLAWAY.

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