Friday, February 1, 2008

LANSDOWNE, Once Again, Runs into Trouble

During the recent storm causing the seiche condition I wrote about yesterday, the LANSDOWNE, now moored in Buffalo, ran into more trouble. WGRZ-TV in Buffalo reported that the vessel took on a major list and partially submerged during the storm on Wednesday. The entire article can be found on their website.

This is the second time the LANSDOWNE has run into this kind of trouble. On Christmas Day, 2005, the 124-year old vessel sank to the bottom of Presque Isle Bay at the foot of Sassafras Street. Crews from Lakeshore Towing worked with a firm from Cleveland and floated the vessel in February, 2006, and it was towed to Buffalo on July 16, 2006. Unfortunately the only destination left for the LANSDOWNE is a scrapyard.

LANSDOWNE on the bottom of Presque Isle Bay, January 12, 2006.

Overhead view.

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