The repairs to the shaft seals took less than a week, despite being hampered by weather on Saturday. The quick repairs are an example of the skilled talent at Erie Sand & Gravel, Lakeshore Towing and Great Lakes Electrical Services, all of whom worked together to get the PRESQUE ISLE back underway as quickly as possible to make money for her owners.
The cofferdam was left underwater and will be refloated tomorrow. Unlike in the past, when the cofferdam was towed to Erie Shipbuilding, it will be left at the Mountfort Terminal.
Unloading on the McALLISTER 132 continued today and should be done by the weekend.
PRESQUE ISLE slowly turns off of the Mountfort Terminal.
Another view.
Underway in Lake Erie.
Bow on.
PRESQUE ISLE is moving at roughly 12 miles per hour in this photo.
Final shot.
J.S. ST. JOHN outbound at 1815 this afternoon.
Stern view.
Motor yacht SCOTT FREE, owned by local hotelier Nick Scott, outbound. Scott, like most of the uber-rich, chooses to register his yacht offshore in the Cayman Islands.
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