This afternoon, Lakeshore Towing tugs FLATTOP and DON HENRY moved the gate from the drydock at Erie Shipbuilding and headed into the drydock to retrieve the next deck barge the company is building for Donjon Marine.
After slowly manouvering the barge in the wind, FLATTOP and DON HENRY slid the barge alongside A-397 and secured the barge next to WITTE 1403.
Safely securing the barge alongside at around 1500, FLATTOP and DON HENRY returned to the drydock and took the tug KAREN ANDRIE in tow and moved the tug out of drydock. The ANDRIE is now secured behind barge A-397 and will be fitting out shortly. Over the winter the ANDRIE was fitted with the Hydraconn articulated tug-barge coupler system, which replaces the tow-line system the barge had used.
GREAT LAKES TRADER at dock this afternoon.
Another view.
Overhead view.
GREAT LAKES TRADER later in the afternoon. Note that the vessel has been ballasted to take list to port, allowing inspection of part of the hull beneath the waterline.
FLATTOP pulls WITTE 1404 in Erie harbor.
DON HENRY stands by to assist in turning the barge.
Turning the corner into the West Slip.
Another view of the turn.
WITTE 1404.
FLATTOP pulls the barge alongside A-397.
Docking the barge.
About 45 minutes later, FLATTOP and DON HENRY pull KAREN ANDRIE into Erie harbor.
KAREN ANDRIE in Presque Isle Bay.
DON HENRY pushes on the ANDRIE.
Turning the tug.
Another view.
FLATTOP comes around to pull the barge.
Side view.
Another job well done by Lakeshore Towing Services, Inc., and the ANDRIE rests at dock.
Side view.
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