American Steamship Company is advertising for immediate openings for mates on the KEN BOOTHE SR./LAKES CONTENDER. Qualified applicants must possess a minimum 1600 ton USCG license with a TOAR (Towing Officer Assessment Record) or Towing Endorsement, a valid Merchant Mariner Credential and valid Transportation Worker Identification Credential. Qualified candidates must be able to pass a USCG 719K physical, pre-employment DOT 5 panel drug screening (or provide a letter of exemption) and be able to legally enter Canada. Interested parties should call Kathy Elinski at 716-635-1346 or Holly Andrews at 716-635-1349.
KEN BOOTHE SR./LAKES CONTENDER is due to sail next weekend. The vessel's first cargo will be iron ore to Burns Harbor, before shifting to load coal at KCBX in South Chicago on the 12th for a Lake Michigan port. The duo is due back at KCBX on the 14th.
PRESQUE ISLE passing Erie Pierhead Light inbound.
Another view.
Close up of the PRESQUE ISLE.
Stern view.
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