Thursday, May 15, 2008


PANAM FLOTA arrived in Erie at 0515 this morning, porceeded slowly through the channel and turned in Presque Isle Bay. The FLOTA secured at the Mountfort Terminal this morning around 0600 to load biodiesel. The vessel will be in port for several days loading the cargo.

PANAM FLOTA inbound this morning.

Stern view.

In Presque Isle Bay.


PANAM FLOTA turning in Presque Isle Bay.

Turn completed, the FLOTA heads for the dock.

Another view.

Close up.

PANAM FLOTA docking.

Another view.

The tanker drifts off the dock.

Securing mooring lines onto the dock.

Mooring alongside.

All secured, the FLOTA waits to begin loading.

Another view.

J.S. St. JOHN outbound on one of her first trips of the season.

Stern view.

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